The Secret to Inner Balance

In Taoism, the concept of Yin and Yang is the harmony of opposites. The Tao (source), manifests through the harmonious interaction of these two energies. Similarly, the feminine and masculine archetypes in Jungian psychology reinforce this concept. That balance means not favoring one energy over the other but embracing their mutual influence within you.

So what’s the goal? To find the equilibrium between these two parts of you.

By embracing and integrating these two energies within, you can tap into a deeper sense of wholeness, connection, and ultimately balance — the middle way.

Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash

Understanding Masculine and Feminine Energies

Carl Jung explained the feminine as the Anima and the masculine as the Animus. The Anima represents the unconscious feminine qualities within a man, while the Animus embodies the unconscious masculine aspects within a woman. These energies aren’t tied to genders but represent the two archetypal forces within us.

The Feminine is associated with receptivity, creativity, intuition, empathy, and nurture. Think of it as water, and how it flows and adapts, gentle yet still a force within itself. This energy emphasizes compassion, kindness, and being in touch with your needs. The essence of this energy is about receiving.

The Masculine is all about being assertive, logical, and structured — similar to how mountains withstand weather and time rarely unchanged. This energy emphasizes qualities such as strength, analytical thinking, action, and achievement. The essence — a more penetrative energy.

The common misconception is that the feminine and masculine are viewed as polar opposites locked in conflict. It’s quite the opposite. The two energies are symbiotic forces, each providing a layer of depth to the other. Instead of seeing it as a battle for dominance, honor the wisdom of both energies to inform your whole being.

Similar to how we have a right brain and left brain, while one is more dominant doesn’t mean we don’t still have qualities of the other.

The Need for Balance

In society, there’s often an imbalance between masculine and feminine energies. From an early age, you’re conditioned to prioritize certain traits over others based on societal expectations and gender norms. This imbalance can lead to stress, burnout, and a sense of disconnection from yourself and others.

I saw this a lot and felt it myself when I was in corporate America. To climb the ladder, masculine qualities were considered more desirable than feminine ones. Being one of the ‘lads’ meant you were “in”. Truth be told, you would never really be in.

Masculine qualities of achievement, assertiveness, and success are glorified in the workplace, downgrading feminine traits to the home life. But here’s the kicker:

An imbalance of your masculine and feminine energy breeds discontent, disconnection to self, stress, and strained relationships.

Achieving balance is not about suppressing one energy in favor of the other but rather the integration of both.

When you learn to embrace your masculine and feminine sides equally, you expand your range of experiences and possibilities.

Why Is Balance So Important?

These days it seems that stress and imbalance are the norm rather than the exception. Giving us a false sense of normalcy. Most of us can identify if we are more feminine than masculine, and instead of finding a balance, we double down on the energy that feels easiest to us. I’m guilty of this myself.

I used to think my feminine side would get in the way of my career, but it was my feminine side that allowed me to nurture a productive team environment.

When you operate from a place of inner balance, you experience greater clarity, confidence, and emotional stability. Your relationships also benefit, as you’re better equipped to empathize with others while still holding your ground and expressing your needs.

You’re able to see things from a 360-degree view as your creativity and problem-solving abilities are enhanced by embracing both aspects of yourself. By prioritizing your intuition and analytical skills equally, you’re better equipped to navigate challenges and pursue your goals with much more clarity and determination. Most importantly,

By embracing both energies you are no longer in conflict with yourself

How to Balance Your Energies

The process of integration isn’t always easy. Cultural and societal norms can get in the way. You may even encounter your own resistance from old outdated patterns, beliefs, and conditioning.

But change isn’t meant to feel comfortable.

Here are some practical ways to balance your energies.

Mindfulness & Self-awareness

One effective approach is through mindfulness and self-awareness practices. By tuning into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you can identify where you are out of balance and begin to realign your energies. Learn about modalities like HeartMath that teach techniques for accessing your intuition and tools for self-awareness.

Nurture BOTH Energies

Do activities that nurture both your masculine and feminine sides. For example, working out can help you connect with your masculine energy, while doing something artistic can help tap into your feminine creativity. Other feminine activities include journaling, spending time in nature, and being kind to yourself. Masculine activities include asserting your boundaries, taking decisive action in your life, and setting goals.

Identify What’s Your Dominant Energy

Take a moment to reflect on which energy dominates your life. Are you leaning too heavily into your masculine side, neglecting the nurturing qualities of the feminine? Or perhaps you’ve lost touch with your assertive masculine energy, stifling your ability to take action?

Identify if you have any self-limiting beliefs surrounding your dominant energy. Statements like, “Oh I’m just a feminine woman”, or “I just get along better with the opposite sex”. These self-imposed limiting beliefs are not helpful. They imply your disposition is fixed when that’s not the case.

The energy that flourishes is the one that you give attention to.

Find Balance in Relationships

Asses how your interactions with others reflect the interplay of the two energies.

Find that balance in your relationships by recognizing when to yield and when to assert.

Do you always give in to your partner? Or are you always dominating your partner? Discover what you lean towards and work towards finding a healthy balance. Your attachment style will give you a good indication of this. We tend to attract in partners the things we lack, but it’s a trap. If you can’t give it to yourself, relying on someone else to embody those things will keep you feeling unfulfilled.

Last Thoughts

By embracing these two energies, you unlock a deeper relationship with yourself, giving all the parts of you the time and attention it deserves. A common mistake is associating the feminine solely with vulnerability and the masculine exclusively with strength.

The truth is that vulnerability can be a profound strength, and strength when balanced with compassion, becomes a potent force.

Embracing the feminine qualities does not diminish the strength of the masculine, and vice versa. Instead, it is their integration that brings a new awareness to your inner world and an expansion of who you are.

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