What is a Soul Plan Reading?

There are various roads on the path to self-discovery. Exploring the more mystical aspects of life was just one road I went down. Finding different spiritual systems and modalities that resonated with me was an eye-opening journey for sure. (One modality even involved an egg, but that’s a story for another day.) Most modalities aim to share insights into who we are and why we are here. Things like Astrological charts, Human Design, and Gene Keys all provide ways for us to better understand ourselves. What these all have in common is their analysis of you is based on your birth date. This is where Soul Plan differs. Soul Plan uses your name and numerology to provide a roadmap and interpretation of your life’s experiences and purpose, goals and challenges. In this article, you’ll learn the history of Soul Plan, its system, the benefits of knowing what yours is and what a Soul Plan reading looks like. 

The Origin Story 

Soul plan has its origins in the Sefer Yetzirah, which is an ancient Hebrew text also known as the “Book of Creation”. It’s one of the oldest texts in Jewish mysticism. Dr. Frank Alpher later channeled the Star of Creation gematria, which is a fancy way to say a practice of associating letters or phrases with a numerical value. Later Blue Marsden, founder of The Holistic Healing College in London & Tokyo was then responsible for modernizing and expanding the interpretations of the numerological meanings when converted to a name. 

Whether it’s in the Christian religion, the Hindu tradition, or even the big bang theory, one of the things they all have in common is that the universe started with a sound – a vibration. Nikola Tesla was another proponent that everything was based on vibrations and frequencies. He had a unique theory about the power and significance of language. For example, every word emitted specific vibrations that could lead to powerful applications. Similarly, the Soul Plan system emphasizes the importance of sound and vibrations, specifically how it relates to your birth name. That our names are the centralmost point of our identity. In short, your name has an extensive and mystical effect on how you move through life. Soul Plan goes so far as to believe your soul predetermined your name before you came into the world’s existence. I know, unbelievable, right? But stick with me. 

The Soul Plan System

The Soul Plan system states there are two aspects to our lives. The first part is our commitment to our worldly pursuits, and the second part is our commitment to the service of others. Within both of these pursuits, we have Challenges, Talents and Goals. We all have within us certain innate Talents that we can use to overcome Challenges, which ultimately set the Goals that we are here to achieve. Think of our Challenges as the locked door, our Talents as the key and the Goals as the other room we need to get into. By working through all these different experiences, only then can we use this wisdom to alchemize our soul’s destiny. 

Once we understand our life experiences from a different perspective, we can gain more certainty in which direction our abilities lie. By using our Talents and Gifts to overcome our internal limitations (aka Challenges), we align ourselves with our soul’s blueprint. 

This is what a Soul Plan Chart Looks like. (It’s actually mine!)

What are the Benefits? 

I’m a strong believer in taking everything with a pinch of salt. While some things may resonate with you, others may not. Taking the time to understand your Soul’s purpose can have a myriad of benefits including:

  • Clarity and Direction: Make informed decisions based on a better alignment with your soul’s purpose. 
  • Self-discovery: Uncover what makes you, you. Recognizing where you are in life and where you want to go. 
  • Spiritual Growth: Align your actions with your soul’s intention through an increase of self-awareness. 
  • Healing and Transformation: Addressing past traumas that facilitate inner healing, helping you relate differently to your past. 
  • Tailored Self-Help Methods: By understanding your chart, Soul Plan outlines potential self-help methods that may work best for you. 

A Soul Plan Reading

So what does a reading look like with me?

  • Preparation of your chart for an hour prior to the reading 
  • 75 min zoom video call detailing the different aspects of your chart
  • Identifying different themes present throughout your chart
  • Advice on self-help methods to overcome areas where you are struggling 
  • A copy of your chart with the information shared in the reading 
  • A guided opening and closing meditation to drop into your soul space 

Are You Ready?

I try my hardest not to be a dogmatic person, as there are obviously some problematic things that come with that. I like to try new things and enjoy learning about them whether I end up taking them on or not. Soul Plan was one of those things that brought to the surface for me things I had been putting off and helped me relate to my past experiences and traumas differently. It was through doing a Soul Plan reading on myself that I began on this journey which has resulted in a career shift into helping others better understand themselves. It was the final push I needed to take action in the direction that I always knew I needed to be on, but wasn’t ready to listen to. If you are ready for that push as well, book a reading with me!

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